bin_ambi :: Real-Time Rendering Engine for Virtual (Binaural) Sound Reproduction
Contact detailsThomas Musil, musil [at] [Link to TM's Homepage] Markus Noisternig, noisternig [at] [Link to MN's Homepage]
Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) |
A library for the use with Miller Puckettes open source computer music software Pure Data (PD) is presented. The library is downloadable for free and you can use it under the terms of GNU General Public License.
The theory that forms the basis of the proposed library is an improved Virtual Ambisonics Approach. Using this approach provides a computationally efficient implementation of virtual environments with
- Multiple moving sound sources,
- Room simulation,
- Head tracking,
- Time varying listener positions, and
- Interchangeable HRIR settings
Resources / Downloads
- Package downloads::
Recent version of the binaural Ambisonics library:: pre-compiled for Win-XP and OS-X (easy to install) including PD
READ License (GNU General Public License)
Please note- iemlib1, iemlib2, iemabs by T. Musil are under LGPL
- iemgui, iemambi, iembinambi, iemmatrix, iemroomsim, iemdelay are under GPL
Further Information
Project related publications:
- T. Musil, M. Noisternig, and R. Hoeldrich, "A Library for Realtime 3D Binaural Sound Reproduction in Pure Data (PD)", Proc. Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-05), Madrid, Spain, September 20-22,2005
- C. Falch, M. Noisternig, S. Warum, and R. Hoeldrich, "Room Simulation for Binaural Sound Reproduction using Measured Spatiotemporal Room Impulse Responses", Proc. Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-03), London, UK, September, 2003
- M. Noisternig, T. Musil, A. Sontacchi, and R. Hoeldrich, "3D Binaural Sound Reproduction using a Virtual Ambisonics Approach", Proc. Int. Symp. on Virt. Env., Human-Computer Interf., and Meas. Sys. (VECIMS), Lugano, Switzerland, July, 2003
- M. Noisternig, T. Musil, A. Sontacchi, and R. Hoeldrich, "A 3D Ambisonic based Binaural Sound Reproduction System", Proc. Int. Conf. Audio Eng. Soc., Banff, Canada, June, 2003
- A. Sontacchi, M. Noisternig, P. Majdak, and R. Hoeldrich, "Subjective Validation of Perception Properties in Binaural Sound Reproduction Systems", Proc. Int. Conf. Audio Eng. Soc., St. Petersburg, Russia, June, 2002
- A. Sontacchi, M. Noisternig, P. Majdak, and R. Hoeldrich, "An Objective Model of Localisation in Binaural Sound Reproduction Systems", Proc. Int. Conf. Audio Eng. Soc., St. Petersburg, Russia, June, 2002
- M. Noisternig, P. Majdak"Implementation kopfpositionsbezogener Binauraltechnik", Master Thesis, Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, University of Music and dramatic Arts, Graz, Austria, 2002
- S. Leitner, A. Sontacchi, and R. Hoeldrich, "Multichannel Sound Reproduction System for Binaural Signals - The Ambisonics Approach", Proc. COST G-6 Conf. on. Dig. Audio Effects, Verona, Italy, December, 2000
- S. Leitner, A. Sontacchi, and R. Hoeldrich, "Kopfpositionsbezogene Wiedergabe fuer Binauralsignale mit Ambisonic", Proc. 21. Tonmeistertagung, VDT, Hannover, Germany, November, 2000
Ambisonics related publications:
- M. Noisternig, T. Musil, and R. Hoeldrich, "Lost Highway - Live Electronics and 3D Sound Rendering in Contemporary Music Theatre Productions", Proc. Int. Audio Conv. VDT, Leipzig, Germany, 2004
- C. Frauenberger and M. Noisternig, "3D Audio Interface for the Blind", Proc. Int. Conf. Auditory Displays (ICAD), Boston, MA, USA, July, 2003
- A. Sontacchi, and R. Hoeldrich, "Investigations on control and perception of virtual distance using loudspeakers", Proc. Int. Symp. on Virt. Env., Human-Computer Interf., and Meas. Sys. (VECIMS), Lugano, Switzerland, July, 2003
- A. Sontacchi, and R. Hoeldrich, "Distance Coding in 3D Sound Fields", Proc. Int. Conf. Audio Eng. Soc., St. Petersburg, Russia, June, 2002
- A. Sontacchi, and R. Hoeldrich, "Further investigations on 3D sound field using distance coding", Proc. COST G-6 Conf. on. Dig. Audio Effects, Limerick, Ireland, December, 2001
- A. Sontacchi, and R. Hoeldrich, "Enhanced 3D Sound Field Synthesis and Reproduction System by Compensating Interfering reflections", Proc. COST G-6 Conf. on. Dig. Audio Effects, Verona, Italy, December, 2000
- A. Sontacchi, and R. Hoeldrich, "Schallfeldreproduktion durch ein verbessertes Holophonie-Ambisonic System", Proc. 21. Tonmeistertagung, VDT, Hannover, Germany, November, 2000
- A. Sontacchi, "Dreidimensionale Schallfeldreproduktion fuer Lautsprecher- und Kopfhoereranwendungen", PhD Thesis, Technical University, Graz, Austria, 2003
Related Projects
- IAEM PROJECT (Internet Archieve of Electronic Music)
- IEM CUBE / CUBE Software Mixer
- Thomas Musil:: Senior programmer IEM PD Ambi_Bin library, PD libraries.
- Markus Noisternig:: IEM PD Ambi_Bin library, Ambisonics in general.
- Johannes Zmoelnig:: Linux support, PD libraries (GEM, zexy).
- Alois Sontacchi:: Ambisonics in general.
- Alberto de Campo and Christopher Frauenberger:: Port to Supercollider (Sonenvir download page).