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Seppo Gründler

05.09 - 09.09 Seppo Gründler (1956, A)
sonic improviser, employee at the Institute of Electronic Music Graz, main instruments guitars and computer, concerts and sounds in A, CH, CZ, G, GUS, I, SLO, SP, USA, YU.

An area of sand, ventilators, soundspeakers. The sand ist blown at by the ventilators and vibrates with the soundspeakers. The data from the analysis of the audiostream from Linz control ventilators and speakers. The result is a landscape of sand and dunes, slowly and steadily changing its appearance. A camera broadcasts pictures into the web. The room itself is silent. The original stream can only be heard in the foyer or elsewhere.

(Dunes is part of an unfinished project by Niveau

fed by events from Radio Helsinki, V:NM, ESC is the on-site version an part of:
Location: ESC in the labor, Graz; Opening: 4.9., 20h; Duration September 5-9th, 14-0h

© 1999, zuletzt geändert am 9. Februar 2000.

    type: event    state: finished project     Date: 05.09.1999

Last modified 16.02.2004